Thursday, August 5, 2010

Okay, really this time: WTF

There's this one pot that I've been talking to for a while (before I left for both of my trips this summer - not Golden SD) and so far he has seemed completely genuine, interested, and enamored. I really thought he might be the one (SD speaking that is, of course lol). Suddenly, tonight he sends me a text that says he'll have to pass on any arrangement with me because he has a feeling in his gut that this wouldn't end positively between us. That's near exact wording too. What was he even trying to say?? We haven't even met in person (we were supposed to in a couple weeks). This is so random. I'm sane enough to handle being told the reason... not just some vague sentiment. Ugh, and what sucks is that I've told him some personal information. Nothing too in depth (ie: he couldn't stalk me unless he really invested his energy, time, and money into it), but more than I've told any other pot. Now it's just going to feel weird knowing that someone out there knows the town I went to high school in (it's a fairly small town). Lesson #343 learned: Don't tell anything remotely personal until I meet a pot SD in person, and even then... keep a fairly tight lip.

Anyways, now that I'm actually nearing up to the time when I am able to physically meet pot SDs, they all disappear!!!! Talk about irony!

Send me some sugar luck, my ladies. :) I need it!

On two completely unrelated side notes, I'm thinking of creating a blog where I just post my favorite pictures I come across (I know, original lol) and I've just recently started eating "paleo" and WOW... I have never had so much energy. I feel like the energizer bunny during my daily jogging now!


  1. poof!... jerks... SDs can be so flakey sometimes!! ooo i'll have to look up that "paleo" stuff x3

  2. The real reason why he can't meet you is because he's a creepy old men without the financial means to support a sugar babe.There are so many poofs :-(
