Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Elephant in the Room


So far, I have witnessed SDs approach the subject of sex in three different manners.  

1.  The "Dirrty" SD - Not only does he address the elephant in the room, but he dresses it up in leather chaps, pulls out a leather whip, and proceeds to make animated sexual gestures while sending a sly wink your way.  Some of these men are a bit more tame than others, but the blatant sex talk is a constant.  How to know if you have one of these on your hands?  He includes any of the following in his first message to you:  "I like oral, anal, and vaginal sex."  (Oh, but not the ear?  Darn.)  "I want you to be my nasty little slut."  (What?  Can't we exchange names first?)   "I will make you cum."  (But the question is, will I do the same for you?  Note:  Using the word "cum" for a double entendre or a pun is only funny if it's done right. . . and it so rarely ever is.)   

2.  Mr. Gentleman - He addresses the elephant with caution, but he acknowledges its existence and may subtlety hint at a less reserved side that is waiting in the side wings.  He tends to not explicitly refer to sexual acts or even the word "sex" itself.  The word "intimacy" is used instead.  He is not going to ask you your favorite position in the first message... or the third.  While sex is on his mind, he's not going to give you the full X-rated treatment until you are comfortable and willing to venture into naughty territory.  Do I even need to say that this type is my favorite?  

3.  The "What Elephant?" SD - The elephant could be bright purple with green stripes and simultaneously playing the French horn and drums while doing back flips and he would still look around innocently and ask, "What elephant?"  The main issue with these men is that the communication is awful and vague.  This produces a breeding ground for confusion and misunderstanding.  While it is generally assumed that a SD wants to be intimate with his SB, it still never hurts to let the SB know exactly what's on the table so there are no Jack-in-the-box-esque surprises waiting in the future.  


  1. Hey, followed your link from my blog...looks like it could get interesting so I'm staying tuned :-)

    Mr Gentleman - good call. I'd like to think I'm the female equivalent (Miss Lady? LOL) as I often bring up sex in quite the same manner! I use the word 'intimacy' but admit that I guide the conversation so I can get some of their favourite sexual acts out of them too.

    I dislike the other two (although your descriptions were funny and spot on!), and actually like the "what elephant" man the least. At least with Dirrrty dude, his cards are on the table and you know to give him the boot swiftly!

    Look forward to more posts x

  2. Hi Eden,

    Yep, I tend to like to be the one to push the conversation off the cliff into the pit of sex sex sex lol (I can't help myself after a while haha!) and the pot SDs typically doesn't complain haha, although I've had a few still be a bit wary (I guess some chicks have pulled shit tests on them or something).

    Your blog is one of my faves :)

  3.'re so sweet! (where's the blush smiley when you need it?)
