Thursday, June 10, 2010


I had planned on letting my thoughts about Golden SD simmer for a while, but he just had to send me a confessional text and that tipped me over the edge.

See here's the thing:  He made me cringe inside.  I hate that I feel that way since he seemed like a genuinely great guy - the kind that you ask to check on your pets when you go out of town.  Yet, every time he texted me or I even thought about him, I would get this horrible yucky feeling inside of me, like my skin was crawling inside out (does that make any sense?).  So when he sent me the confessional text (I like you, etc.) today, I had to tell him the truth.  I don't think it's going to work out between us.  Meeting him wouldn't change anything.  I knew that it would only get worse.  The creepy-crawlies would magnify.  So that's that.  Maybe I made a terrible decision and will soon regret it, but it just felt like the right thing to do.  I feel so much more at peace now.  

There's a new pot SD. . . let's call him Young SD since he's the youngest one I've talked to so far.  Granted, the word "young" is relative in the sugar world lol.

I'm going to be MIA for a couple weeks from both the blogs & the sugar world so I'm excited to see what happens in my time away!


Monday, June 7, 2010


The other day, I called DC SD at the prearranged time and he didn't answer so I left a brief message saying that I'd be free to talk for the next 10 minutes, but after that I was going to be out with friends.  He didn't call.  No biggie.  

I get an email from him later apologizing and explaining why he didn't answer. . . he was getting a new car.  Okay, cool.  But here's the part I found amusing:  He told me the make & model of his old car and not only did he tell me the m&m of his new one, but he also attached a picture he took.  Subtle, eh?  

I have to be honest though.  While a SD bragging or drawing attention to his lifestyle can be incredibly annoying and makes me want to roll my eyes ad nauseam, I prefer it over the SD that doesn't reveal a single detail about his lifestyle.  When I decided to enter this world, it was because I wanted to dip my toes (hell, my whole body) in the pool of luxury.  I wanted to experience things that I wouldn't be able to on my own.  A SD mentioning these type of things provides me an idea of where he stands on the spectrum of the finer things in life.  It may be shallow, but I want a SD that is fully entrenched in those finer things rather than a super frugal, thrifty SD (even if the latter gave a hefty allowance).  To me, that air of sumptuousness is part of the appeal of a SD and the sugar world.  It adds to the whole experience.  I completely understand that some SBs like the casual SDs, but not this one.  

That said, the fact that DC SD drives a hot car (versus a truck for example) does kick him up a notch in my sugary book, although granted he was already pretty high up there to begin with.  Damn my weakness for sexy cars.    

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Physical Attraction

Calling all SBs:  How important is physical attraction to you when it comes to a SD?  Was it there in the beginning or was it gradual?  Would you be willing to have a SD that was perfect in every single way (and generous too), but you weren't physically attracted to him?

Golden SD

Okay, so tonight I Skyped with Golden SD.  So far, we've been having great phone calls and I was really into him.  

But. . . I'm having second thoughts now.  Actually, I'm having an incessant case of "creepy-crawlies" and a mild panic attack, but the main thought coursing through my brain is:  "I don't think I can sleep with him. . . ever."  

Sigh.  All of his other qualities are perfect, but I don't think the physical attraction is there.  He just looked so much older than I was originally expecting on webcam.  Or maybe I'm just too young to be diving into all of this.  


Maybe physical attraction isn't as big of a deal in the sugar world? But then, doesn't that technically make me an escort?  Argh!!!  

On the plus side, I know I AM physically attracted to some of my other Pot SDs so if I have to say no to this one, not all is lost.

I just... wow, I don't know what to say.  I'm chalking this up to another lesson in my sugar experience.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pot SDs

Golden SD - He's in his (I'm pretty sure late) 40s, Ivy League educated, started and owns his own business in the finance/real estate world, and - according to him - is an avid soccer player (he played in college) and runner.  He's married and has young kids.  So far, he is the top runner.  We've talked on the phone quite a few times and all of our conversations were enjoyable.  I really like his voice lol.  He is a complete gentleman and is more than courteous on the sexual front aka he's not breathing down my neck with poorly-done innuendoes.  On the binary scale of attraction (0 = hell no, 1 = ok), he gets a 1, at least now he does.  I've seen pictures and we've Skyped, but I can't meet in person until July since I'm going to be traveling.  I'm crossing my fingers that we have a connection in person, especially as he is more than agreeable about an allowance and I'm sensing signs he may be up for spoiling as well (he asked me my favorite brand of heels and suggested Jimmy Choo - good boy lol).  

DomSD - Eh, I don't really consider him a SD potential anymore, but let's go ahead and put him on the list as a formality.  In all honesty, if we clicked in person (and I am planning on meeting him later to find out), I'd probably just... err, date him the old-fashioned way.  And by date, I mean fuck because I'm 97% sure he's an incredible lay.  Oh how I love rough sex done right.    

GW SD - Ha, that's a little joke since he put George Washington as his name before telling me his identity.  He's also in his 40s, quite handsome, owns his own financial business, and has done this before.  He's married and his personality is open and considerate.  He offered to fly me to DC to see if we click and I'm going to take him up on it once I'm back from abroad.  He's a strong potential.

ATL SD - The only problem with this Pot is that he doesn't want to begin any form of arrangement until I pretty much put out.  I asked him if he understood that I wanted to become comfortable before becoming intimate with my SD and he said that in the same light, he wouldn't do anything past typical date stuff until we started sleeping together, which means zero allowance, spoiling, anything.  I'm iffy on this because it sounds like tit-for-tat to me.  I don't expect him to start doling out the dough and buying me a pony, the moon, and a small island, but his attitude toward a SD/SB arrangement strikes the wrong chord within me.  We'll have to see about this one.  

Midwest SD - There are two things I must mention about this Pot.  #1:  When I asked him what his secret talent was (getting to know each other email), this was his response.  "My secret talent is hmm.... Staying hard after I cum and can keep going lol..."  How do you respond to that?  I mean, while it definitely isn't a bad thing, it's a bit TMI for a first email.  #2:  He uses his work email for his SA account and for communicating to SBs.  This just rubs me the wrong way because it makes me question whether or not he can handle the whole discretion and privacy thing.  Not to mention, the address of his business and a collection of phone numbers are in his signature... uhm, I could be a psycho stalker chick who wants to blackmail you, Mr. Midwest SD.  On the bright side, we both share a love for mint chocolate chip ice cream.  Yay, silver lining.  I guess we could have marathon sex (since apparently he's like a never-ending version of the Little Engine That Could) and then eat ice cream.  From his pictures, he does have an attractive body.  We'll see, darlings.