Monday, June 7, 2010


The other day, I called DC SD at the prearranged time and he didn't answer so I left a brief message saying that I'd be free to talk for the next 10 minutes, but after that I was going to be out with friends.  He didn't call.  No biggie.  

I get an email from him later apologizing and explaining why he didn't answer. . . he was getting a new car.  Okay, cool.  But here's the part I found amusing:  He told me the make & model of his old car and not only did he tell me the m&m of his new one, but he also attached a picture he took.  Subtle, eh?  

I have to be honest though.  While a SD bragging or drawing attention to his lifestyle can be incredibly annoying and makes me want to roll my eyes ad nauseam, I prefer it over the SD that doesn't reveal a single detail about his lifestyle.  When I decided to enter this world, it was because I wanted to dip my toes (hell, my whole body) in the pool of luxury.  I wanted to experience things that I wouldn't be able to on my own.  A SD mentioning these type of things provides me an idea of where he stands on the spectrum of the finer things in life.  It may be shallow, but I want a SD that is fully entrenched in those finer things rather than a super frugal, thrifty SD (even if the latter gave a hefty allowance).  To me, that air of sumptuousness is part of the appeal of a SD and the sugar world.  It adds to the whole experience.  I completely understand that some SBs like the casual SDs, but not this one.  

That said, the fact that DC SD drives a hot car (versus a truck for example) does kick him up a notch in my sugary book, although granted he was already pretty high up there to begin with.  Damn my weakness for sexy cars.    


  1. I prefer a sugar daddy who is flashy also...I mean seriously dating an old man who drives a bucket vs someone who drives a 2011 benz well we know who is going to win lol...I am all about material things haha

  2. I prefer flashy to an extent too, but Warren Buffet drove his old beat up car for years after he made all his money. And some men, or women for that matter, buy a car with money they don't have just because they want the prestige. I know of one guy on a popular SD site who has pictures of him and "his" lambo on his profile, but he sold it years ago because he couldn't actually afford it.
    Also, I've dated an EXTREMELY flashy SD who loved to show off, and he was semi-generous, but not nearly as much as you would think. I think it's more about the man you date and how generous he wants to be. Some men who make 1 million a year are more generous than men who make 1 billion a year.
    Just my 2 cents :) :) Hope all goes well with this guy!
