Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Golden SD

Okay, so tonight I Skyped with Golden SD.  So far, we've been having great phone calls and I was really into him.  

But. . . I'm having second thoughts now.  Actually, I'm having an incessant case of "creepy-crawlies" and a mild panic attack, but the main thought coursing through my brain is:  "I don't think I can sleep with him. . . ever."  

Sigh.  All of his other qualities are perfect, but I don't think the physical attraction is there.  He just looked so much older than I was originally expecting on webcam.  Or maybe I'm just too young to be diving into all of this.  


Maybe physical attraction isn't as big of a deal in the sugar world? But then, doesn't that technically make me an escort?  Argh!!!  

On the plus side, I know I AM physically attracted to some of my other Pot SDs so if I have to say no to this one, not all is lost.

I just... wow, I don't know what to say.  I'm chalking this up to another lesson in my sugar experience.


  1. i feel ya girl. when i first started trying/doing the SB thing, all i was going for were the younger&hotter "SDs". the thing is tho that those are the guys usually looking a free-ride, a gf basically which is NOT what this is about.. for me atleast. i wasnt seeing the hard cash til i started limiting myself to older (late 40's at the YOUNGEST), usually married guys ..and now im starting to see results/the cash! its hard tho i know! x3

  2. I've lucked out with the fact that I've always been attracted to much older (40's and up) men. The few times that I did try to date someone closer to my own age, I just hated the immaturity. Even the 37 year old was horrid!

    If you have a moral issue with much older men and much younger women, then you are definitely in the wrong game. If it's simply a matter of attraction, you'll learn that this game is best played with your eyes closed. There is much more to a man than what he looks like, and it's those qualities that will be the base of your relationships.

  3. That's just it! I'm genuinely attracted to older men! It's just... not this one. But we get along good, he likes me, I'm pretty sure he's the generous type, he's a gentleman, blah blah blah.

    CLKK - By eyes closed, do you mean literally lol? I just don't know how I'd have sex with someone or even kiss for a prolonged period of time with someone I'm not attracted to... :/

  4. If you just can't go "there" then don't. One thing I always promised myself was that I would never sell my soul in this game, and one of the things that translates to is not being with someone that I wouldn't naturally be with.

    But I have found that pictures and skype really don't do many men justice. Maybe it wouldn't hurt meeting him for coffee or lunch (something lowkey and not at night) to see how you feel in person.

  5. I will be meeting him later this summer in NYC and I will have my own hotel room and etc. so that will tell me everything I need to know about whether I can or can't. As a newbie, I'm still figuring everything out, but your right - we need to make promises to ourselves before diving in. . . and not selling our souls is a great one. :)
