Thursday, June 10, 2010


I had planned on letting my thoughts about Golden SD simmer for a while, but he just had to send me a confessional text and that tipped me over the edge.

See here's the thing:  He made me cringe inside.  I hate that I feel that way since he seemed like a genuinely great guy - the kind that you ask to check on your pets when you go out of town.  Yet, every time he texted me or I even thought about him, I would get this horrible yucky feeling inside of me, like my skin was crawling inside out (does that make any sense?).  So when he sent me the confessional text (I like you, etc.) today, I had to tell him the truth.  I don't think it's going to work out between us.  Meeting him wouldn't change anything.  I knew that it would only get worse.  The creepy-crawlies would magnify.  So that's that.  Maybe I made a terrible decision and will soon regret it, but it just felt like the right thing to do.  I feel so much more at peace now.  

There's a new pot SD. . . let's call him Young SD since he's the youngest one I've talked to so far.  Granted, the word "young" is relative in the sugar world lol.

I'm going to be MIA for a couple weeks from both the blogs & the sugar world so I'm excited to see what happens in my time away!


1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about Golden SD, but sometimes you just have to go with your gut on things. Once you let it go, try not to worry about 'what if's: life is short. Have fun with the dating, move onto the next and hopefully you'll find the one you seek :-)

    I know you said you'd be MIA, hope everything's OK. Be good to see how the blog unfolds when you next have the time :-)
