Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Physical Attraction

Calling all SBs:  How important is physical attraction to you when it comes to a SD?  Was it there in the beginning or was it gradual?  Would you be willing to have a SD that was perfect in every single way (and generous too), but you weren't physically attracted to him?


  1. Chemistry and looks are important to me, in that order, but they go hand in hand for an overall picture of attraction, I cannot separate them. So I use my feelings as a marker for basic attraction: so for example knowing he is nice with an interest in helping me out, knowing I won't squirm if he tries to kiss me and knowing I can imagine having sex with him. It might take time to warm to the last two if you are not initially physically attracted to him, so you could take a few dates to see how you feel about it. When you meet him in person you might feel differently. But if you don't, you know you gave it a chance and are being true to yourself, especially if you're inclined to feel regretful sleeping with a man for his $ when you are not attracted to him.

    At the end of the day, you know have power to stay or walk away and he doesn't appear to be rushing you so it might not hurt to have a more careful think about it.

  2. Umm I am hardly ever attracted to a pot or sugar daddy...but I am seeing its whats on the inside because mine is so sweet and it makes him more attractive then other wise. Also they like makeovers if its just a cosmetic issue =]

  3. I went out with this one guy a few times. First meeting, conversation flowed (which I love) and he was pretty attractive on the SD scale by anyones standards. But every time he put his hand over mine on the table or tried to hold it while walking, I cringed!! Totally shut down and would go light a cigarette, and I do not smoke on sugar dates!

    Like Eden said, chemistry is a very important thing. But you can't find out if you have any until you meet in person.

  4. this process is def more about the inner attraction (and wallet attraction lol) rather than physical... for us atleast. lets be real -it is not the usual for a young, 20something yr old girl to be naturally attracted to an aged, usually not physically fit, man, older than our dads sometimes! lol. *sigh* its just the reality of it but the ones who arent so hot are oh-so more generous usually! :) x3

  5. SunshineSugar, do you have an email addy? I want to talk to you about something. :)

  6. I'm so new with this, that for now atleast I dont think I can go for anyone over 40ish...unless they look young. It just GROSSES me out. haha attraction def. has to be there at least a bit but I'm hoping I'll get over it for more goodies! ;)

  7. omg mango i was re-reading through your posts and noticed that u asked for my e-mail AGES ago. im so sorry! i never get follow up alerts to comments i leave on peoples blogs. do u have a fb account? comment on my blog (wherever - like my latest post) and let me know if u do... so i actually see it this time!! lol x3
